Davis Absolute was born to a military family, and fell in love with hip-hop at an early age. Strongly influenced by legendary hip-hop artists like Nas, the Fugees, Saigon, Rakim, Lupe Fiasco, and Kendrick Lamar, you can find traces of those great MC’s in his music. Davis looks to spread his message of positivity and true happiness through his music, aiming to captivate listeners through his lyrics. Venturing outside the realm of material possessions and short-lived pleasures. Davis touches on real topics and meaningful discussion through his music, communicating a message with staying power. Asked to define himself and his music Davis Absolute has this to say: “I’m a hip hop artist with a message that’s far from the media’s inaccurate representation of life’s true meaning. Love, Life, Religion and the struggle of trying beat to your circumstances are woven throughout lyrics of a truth that’s heartfelt and absolute. “This is the way hip hop is supposed to be,”

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